Los prefijos intensivos del español: caracterización morfo-semántica
https://doi.org/10.14198/ELUA1998.12.07Palabras clave:
Prefijos, Intensificación, Derivación, Valor semántico, Formación de palabras, Lengua españolaResumen
In this paper, we take into account the meaning Spanish intensivo prefixes provide for derived items, the restrictions that operate in this derivative process as well as the morphological characterization of these elements in Spanish prefix system. We consider prefixes such as ARCHI-, HIPER-, INFRA-, MACRO-, MEGA-, MICRO-, RE-, SEMI-, SOBRE-, SUB-, SUPER-, SUPRA-, and ULTRA-. As far as the meaning of complex words is concerned, intensive prefixes convoy a connotative sense, that can indicate a positive intensity or a negative one. In the first case, the intensification involves two degrees: superlative and augmentative. In the other case, it implies a diminishing sense. In relation to morphological characterization, intensive prefixes are considered as adverbial prefixes, projected syntactically as adjuncts to a base and they are the most external prefixes in morphological structures.Financiación
Este trabajo ha sido financiado parcialmente gracias a la subvención de la DGICYT al proyecto «Configuración morfológica y estructura argumental, léxico y diccionario» (PB93-0546-C04-03).Descargas
Cómo citar
Martín García, J. (1998). Los prefijos intensivos del español: caracterización morfo-semántica. ELUA: Estudios De Lingüística. Universidad De Alicante, (12), 103–116. https://doi.org/10.14198/ELUA1998.12.07
Derechos de autor 1998 Josefa Martín García
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