
Temporary suspension of receipt of miscellaneous articles


Currently, ELUA has received many articles |and reviews| that must be evaluated for publication in issue 43 scheduled for January 2025. In order not to harm authors by subjecting their proposals to excessively long management times, we have decided to temporarily suspend the reception of new miscellaneous articles until January 15, 2025. At the appropriate time, or if there are changes, we will communicate the opening of the reception of articles with a new announcement.

Please note that all miscellaneous proposals sent to the monographic section will be rejected.

We apologize for any inconvenience we may cause.

The Editorial Board.

Read more about Temporary suspension of receipt of miscellaneous articles

Current Issue

No. 42 (2024): La terminología técnica multilingüe: gestión del conocimiento y de recursos lingüísticos en la joyería y otros sectores industriales

Número monográfico coordinado por Manuela Álvarez Jurado y Aurora Ruiz Mezcua (Universidad de Córdoba, España).

Published: 01-07-2024


Monographic dossier

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