Teoría, método y práctica: de la enunciación a la interpretación. Modos géneros y tipos de discursos
https://doi.org/10.14198/ELUA2001.15.13Palabras clave:
Tipos discursivos, Teoría de la comunicación, Enunciación, Comprensión, Semántica cognitiva, Lingüística textual, Análisis del discursoResumen
In this article we present some advances of the investigations that are been developed in the levels of analyses and the discursive interpretation, from a semantic, syntactic and pragmatic perspective. The theoretical statements of Tesnière, R. Jakobson, G. Guillaume, René Thom, Van Dijk, Coseriu and mainly Pottier preside over the investigations that we are developing. (Cabeza, J. 1994, 1995, 1998, and 2000). These theoretical principles have guided us in stating the objectives, hypothesis and methodology of a new interpretation of the semantic-syntactic structuring of the different types of speeches. We present in this particular case the genre of elegy, taking as a corpus some of the most outstanding ones from Hispanic Literature. If methodologically we admit that every speech can be summarized in one sentence or even in one word without the persistence of the forms that sustained it, and that this constitutes a test to the peculiarities of human memory. Also, it is certain that the interpreter has several reading options in hierarchical textual meaning and in the plurality of the discursive senses. The modes, the genders, and the types of speeches are seen attached to the particular tensions and representations of each language, the ones that generate, in speech practice, singular syntactic forms according to the purpose of the speaker, the finality of its functions and pragmatic context. So in this way we rank systems, subsystem and units in different levels that can be differently interpreted by different receivers in diverse times and spaces.Descargas
Cómo citar
Cabeza Lora, J. (2001). Teoría, método y práctica: de la enunciación a la interpretación. Modos géneros y tipos de discursos. ELUA: Estudios De Lingüística. Universidad De Alicante, (15), 307–334. https://doi.org/10.14198/ELUA2001.15.13
Derechos de autor 2001 Julián Cabeza Lora

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