Refuerzo morfológico, significado y transitividad
DOI: clave:
Prefijación, Sufijación, Verbos, Valor semántico, Diátesis, Transitividad, Análisis actancial, Morfología, SemánticaResumen
The aim of the present essay is to analyse several types of Spanish prefixes that, having like all the others prefixes a basically semantic value, imply at the same time the modification of the sentence transitivity. This transitivity is named "weak tansitivity", since it entails obvious limitations in relation to the most common diathetic variations: causativity, reflexivity and others. The diathesis implicated in this field are usually progressive (causative). The actantial variation is done frequently with the step of one to two actants (el barco flota / los marineros han reflotado el barco) and unfrequently with the step of two to one actant (embocó el hoyo diez / desemboca en el Atlántico). The starting point is the natural-topologic pragmatics of Calvo (1994), who raises that Morphology is a bidirectional instrument mediating between the signifier and the signified. In the present field, weak transitivity is assumed to be recessive, because it implies an analysis from the semantic fields that affects in second term the Syntax: this transitivity is conceived in opposition to "strong transitivity", which assumes that the diathesis is prototypically a sintactic phenomenon that will affect, likewise in second term, the Semantics.Descargas
Cómo citar
Calvo Pérez, J. (2003). Refuerzo morfológico, significado y transitividad. ELUA: Estudios De Lingüística. Universidad De Alicante, (17), 141–159.
Derechos de autor 2003 Julio Calvo Pérez

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